Community Board

The Lake & Shore Community Recreation Society is a not-for-profit association created to manage the new recreation centre in Porters Lake in cooperation with the new Porters Lake Elementary School. Formed in March 2011, the Society established its mission, vision, values, bylaws and initial Board for the association and entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with HRM to manage operations. Since then the Society has entered into a Joint Use Agreement between the Centre and the School, and a Facilities Lease agreement between HRM and the Society.

The Society provides a Community Board to manage the operations of the Recreation Centre. Continuously attracting some of the best and brightest of our citizen volunteers since its creation in 2011.




The Lake & Shore Community Recreation Centre is run as a municipally-owned, volunteer operated (MOVO) facility. The Lake & Shore Community Recreation Society is a non-profit organization created to allow for community-based management of the HRSB owned/HRM leased recreation center built as an annex to Porters Lake Elementary School .The Recreation Centre opened in September, 2011

Lake & Shore Community Recreation Centre
40 Inspiration Drive
Porters Lake, NS

Phone: (902) 827-2700
Fax: (902) 827-2754 
