Closure Policy

During the Winter months, if Porters Lake Elementary School is closed or the buses are not running due to inclement weather and/or road conditions; the centre will be closed. We may also on occasion make our own decision regarding weather related closures as the school has been opened when we felt it was not safe to open. Please always check our website and facebook page for updates and information on closures.
In event of a power outage or in the event we have no water or washroom facilities we will automatically be closed.
For power outage information please refer to the NS Power Outage Map.

The Lake & Shore Community Recreation Centre is run as a municipally-owned, volunteer operated (MOVO) facility. The Lake & Shore Community Recreation Society is a non-profit organization created to allow for community-based management of the HRSB owned/HRM leased recreation center built as an annex to Porters Lake Elementary School .The Recreation Centre opened in September, 2011

Lake & Shore Community Recreation Centre
40 Inspiration Drive
Porters Lake, NS

Phone: (902) 827-2700
Fax: (902) 827-2754 
