Sports Party

Children ages 5+
Full use of our gym for 1 hour with 2 instructors
to interact and co-ordinate whatever sport,(basketball, hockey,
soccer) or any sports related activity your child enjoys.
An hour in multi purpose room.
1/2 hour clean-up time as per rental agreement
Must provide your own refreshments and decorations
$150. + HST

Birthday Child + 14 guests



The Lake & Shore Community Recreation Centre is run as a municipally-owned, volunteer operated (MOVO) facility. The Lake & Shore Community Recreation Society is a non-profit organization created to allow for community-based management of the HRSB owned/HRM leased recreation center built as an annex to Porters Lake Elementary School .The Recreation Centre opened in September, 2011

Lake & Shore Community Recreation Centre
40 Inspiration Drive
Porters Lake, NS

Phone: (902) 827-2700
Fax: (902) 827-2754 
